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The best HTML5 sites gallery and showcase. Welcome to the latest version of this site - we are now coded in HTML5 ourselves with a little bit of CSS3 goodness for those browsers that can handle it, submit your own HTML5 site to our showcase.
Best websites with CSS, Flash and Javascript. 101 Best Websites - CSS showcase gallery with Flash and Javascript websites portfolio.
Our aim is to create high functioning websites that work for our clients. From initial workshops to scope out your needs, through to user experience testing, design and development we will make sure your site works for you and your customers. Best Served Cold is a web design company that provides a professional service with a personal touch. From start to finish you will deal with a dedicated team ensuring you can always talk directly to the people responsible for your site. We build sites to full access.
Best Served Cold Media Limited
Adam Lewis
2 Pennard Close Great Denham
Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 4RP
Webfusion Limited
Webfusion Limited
5 Roundwood Avenue
Stockley Park, Uxbridge, UB11 1FF
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